Several routes are easy to follow without any particular difficulties and problems. For example, any route you might choose whether is within the Toroneos Bay or cross the Potidea’s canal to enjoy the tour of Kassandra’s peninsula, is impossible to lose your way.
However, it is highly recommended and quite wise for the Captain to select a GPS Sonar.
Below are the reasons why the GPS is a necessary navigation and driving a boat & tool”.
Max Control
1. The GPS sonar always provides with absolute precision your exact position and you do not have to guess and worry about distances, locations, time of arrival and time to return to
base etc.Sonar
2. The GPS sonar informs for the depth which is very important to prevent any damage to
the propeller or even to the keel of the vessel.Cheaper Sailing
3. Set route (see image 01).
Suppose that you want to cover the 9miles distance between Polychrono and the Kelyfos
island. In this course the island seems clearly in front of you and you are sure that is
impossible to miss but in fact is more than certain that without the GPS your course will not
be an absolute straight line.
In contrast to the above the GPS will continuously determine the ultimate straight line whenever you might deviate from your course and will refer the deviation in meters to right or left.The result.
You will definitely get faster and certainly much cheaper.In many cases the rental costs gets paid out of the savings coming from the rationalization of your courses.
4. For any route you will be able know the distance and the need time to reach a place .
Way Points & Tracks
5. If you click the GPS Way Points & Marks you’ll find a preset list of all the recommended sites, as indicated on the map that the Blue Secret will hand over you and this option will help you have a carefree cruising day. Very important is the shelter areas where you can cover yourself if the weather change suddenly.
Fish Finder
6. Fish-Finder. With Fish-Finder you will be able to locate fishes and select where to fish
depending on the amount and size of them, which of course without the GPS would be
impossible to find.